Author Archive Junodoor Fire Door

Fire door features in collective living areas

Özellikle okul, hastane, sinema, tiyatro gibi insanların yoğun bulunduğu yerlerde insanları kolay bir şekilde tahliye etmeye yarayan yangın kapıları yangın anında ısının yayılmasını geciktirerek yardım gelene kadar, insanlara  zaman kazandırması çok önemlidir. Yangın kapısının genel özelliği metal, sac, ya da alüminyumdan üretilen dışardan kilitli, içerden de kolaylıkla açılabilecek panik kolu ile yangın anında zaman kazandıracak şekilde üretilmelidir.

Yangın kapısı bu özellikleri taşırken, yangın merdiveninin de belediyenin belirlemiş olduğu yönetmeliklere göre üretilmesi belirli standartları taşıması gerekmektedir. Yangın merdivenleri binanın yapısına ve özelliklerine göre belirlenmeli, Yangın merdiveni üretiminde ısıya dayanıklı ve sağlam malzemeler kullanılmalı. İnsan taşıma kapasitesi ise standartlara uygun olmalıdır. Yangın merdiveninde dikkat edilmesi gereken bir başka husus ise merdiven etrafında panik anında kazaları önlemek amacıyla korkuluklarla çevrili olmasıdır.

Yangın kapıları ise ısıya ve dumana dayanıklı malzemelerden üretilerek, dumanın ve ateşin girişe, merdivenlere ve diğer güvenli alanlara yayılmasını önleyecek düzeyde olmalıdır. Yangın kapısının önü asla kapatılmamalıdır. Avrupa Standartları TS EN 13501-2 ve TS EN 1634-1’e göre yangın kapıları, kullanıldıkları yere göre bütünlük (E), yalıtım (I), ışınım (W), kendi kendine kapanma © ve duman sızdırmaz (S) özelliklerine sahip olmalıdır.

Does the place where I bought the fire door do the manufacturing itself?

Most of the companies selling fire doors outsource the production of fire doors to other companies. This situation reflects negatively on the customer in terms of cost. In other words, it is very difficult to find a fire door that is both cheap and standard, except the manufacturer. Fire doors must carry certain standards. Therefore, non-standard doors cannot protect you from the fire, which is their main duty in case of fire. As a consumer, you should definitely inquire whether the companies that sell fire doors are manufactured in-house and whether the fire door carries the required standards. Fire door is a building material whose quality should be questioned rather than its prices. Because you can understand that the fire door carries the standards only at the time of the fire. Therefore, you should question whether the fire door is made within the standards during the manufacturing process.

fire door regulation

We have mentioned in our previous articles that the doors that protect us for a certain period of time between us and the fire are called fire doors. Life-saving fire doors are actually a necessity in many areas from mass housing to shopping malls. It has taken its place as a necessity in the regulations by preventing the construction of fire doors in order to avoid construction costs. With this regulation, how fire doors should be used in which areas is also taken under control. You can reach the fire regulations from the link below.

Can the fire door be glazed?

Fire doors can be made in many ways. The important thing is to determine your needs and plan the fire door accordingly. Glass Fire Doors are designed with steel and stainless steel frames. During the fire, it is closed and prevents the growth of the fire and provides life safety. The glazed fire door can provide protection from flames and smoke for 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes. Since there is no restriction in the glass area of the glass fire door, they look more elegant, stylish and aesthetic. As with other fire doors, they provide a high level of protection from fire.

Would it be a cheap Fire Door?

Fire door is very important today as it was in the past. We see how important the fire door is from time to time with the fire news in the press. Well, you can think about how much the fire door prices are. In fact, fire door prices are not like the only price or campaign price that you come across when you search on the internet. While there may be fire doors with certain standards, the standards can also change according to the place to be used or your wishes. We can offer you consultancy service before choosing a fire door. In this way cheap fire door When you want to buy a fire door that does not work or does not have sufficient standards, you will also get rid of it. Since the fire door is not an ornament, you may need adequate standards and really smooth operation. Therefore, do not risk your life while trying to buy a cheap fire door.

Fire door detail on International Women's Day

There is no one who does not know the upcoming 8 March, International Working Women's Day or International Women's Day. However, few of you know why this special day is celebrated. The detail of the fire door, which draws attention on March 8, International Women's Day, and the importance of fire doors have also been encountered in the past. That's why fire doors are so important that they cannot be neglected. You can contact us about the fire door.

Fire and lockdown at Triangle Shirt Factory fire exit

The Triangle Shirt Factory fire, the biggest disaster New York has experienced in the 20th century, resulted in the deaths of 123 female and 23 male workers. Workers at the factory, some of whom were children and were forced to work under difficult conditions, went on strike in order to work in better conditions. However, the police intervened against the protesters. Meanwhile, although some workers managed to escape the fire that started on the 8th floor of the building, the workers working on the 9th floor did not receive the fire warning in time. Although the workers who wanted to escape from the fire saw that one exit was closed due to the fire, they turned to the other exit where the fire door was located, but they saw that this exit door was also locked. For this reason, 62 women lost their lives while trying to escape by jumping out of the window, while other workers were burned to death. This event has been accepted as the beginning of the celebration of International Women's Day.

Fire Door Accessories

Doors prepared in accordance with the regulations must have some accessories on them.

Panic Bar
Panic bar is the door handle that allows the door to be opened with the least possible loss of time in case of panic.

Spring Hinge
As specified in the fire code, the doors must close automatically. Spring hinges are used to achieve this.

Smokeproof Wick
Fire doors are produced in a way that prevents the passage of smoke. These door seals are used at the junction points of the door and the safe in order to prevent smoke leakage.

Fire Door Mandatory for Dormitories

Emergency exit doors in the dormitories will not be opened from the outside and locked from the inside or will be opened automatically with a fire warning.

Important regulations are coming for private student dormitories, hostels, student apartments and student studio apartments. The Ministry of National Education prepared the Draft Regulation on Accommodation for Private Students and sent it to the Prime Ministry. According to the draft prepared after the disaster in the dormitory in Aladağ, cladding made of wood and high-combustible materials cannot be used in the interior, exterior walls and ceiling floors of the dormitory buildings. The stairways and doors of escape routes will be made of fire-resistant materials in the form of fire doors. Emergency exit doors shall be such that they cannot be opened from the outside and cannot be locked from the inside or will be opened automatically with a fire warning.

Fire exit

The door that cuts off the relationship with the fire environment and ensures the safety of the employees and the building is called a fire door.

Some technical features of fire doors;

  • Panic handle that opens the door from the inside even if it is closed from the outside (optional)
  • Special gasket that expands with temperature and never leaks smoke
  • Ability to install fire-resistant glass
  • Single or double wing feature
  • Inward or outward expansion
  • Right or left opening
  • Frame types most suitable for the environment
  • Adjustable hinges
  • Smoke-tight guillotine (optional)
  • Fire resistant hydraulic (optional)
  • Spring hinge (optional)
  • Painted with the desired ral color

Steel door

We must take safety precautions in all of our lives. First of all, in our house where we have a private life, the leader of security is the door. For this, the choice should be a steel door.

There have been many changes in the old times, from the absence of doors or the periods of not being closed to the metropolis. The metropolis brought with it some negative consequences as well as ease of life. The beginning of protection from these problems passes through the outer doors. For our peace and security, the properties of the doors must be very good. Today's technology offers us more than one steel door possibilities. Steel doors, as the name suggests, are made of steel and similar hard materials.

Today, no one stays in our homes during the day due to working hours and the necessity of everyone to work. For this reason, we must first secure our door. You should take such a precaution to protect your valuables in your home, your daily belongings, and many things, from your memories.
